Blog onde vou descrevendo as minhas obsessões temporárias. Desde viagens, anúncios de gatinhos para adopção, concursos e sorteios, opinião sobre filmes e séries e tudo o mais que me vier à cabeça! * Todo o conteúdo financeiro presente neste blog serve apenas para fins informativos e educacionais, não representa qualquer tipo de aconselhamento.
domingo, 30 de abril de 2023
sábado, 29 de abril de 2023
How can I achieve FIRE in portugal?
FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) is a lifestyle goal that involves saving and investing enough money to be able to retire at an earlier age than traditional retirement. Here are some steps you can take to achieve FIRE in Portugal:
- Define your financial goals: Determine how much you will need to save and invest to achieve financial independence and retire early. Consider factors such as your current expenses, expected future expenses, and desired lifestyle.
- Save aggressively: One of the keys to achieving FIRE is saving as much as possible. Try to reduce your expenses as much as possible and put the extra money into savings and investments.
- Invest wisely: Invest your savings in a diverse portfolio of low-cost index funds, bonds, and other financial instruments that will provide a good return on investment over time.
- Consider alternative income sources: Consider creating alternative sources of income such as rental properties, online businesses, or freelancing to supplement your savings and investment income.
- Take advantage of tax-efficient investments: Consider investing in tax-efficient accounts such as the Portuguese PPR, a savings scheme that offers tax benefits.
- Plan for healthcare costs: Healthcare is an important consideration when planning for early retirement. Make sure you have adequate health insurance coverage or consider using the Portuguese National Health Service.
- Work with a financial advisor: Consider working with a financial advisor who has experience in helping individuals achieve FIRE. They can help you develop a personalized plan and provide guidance throughout the process.
Remember that achieving FIRE requires discipline, dedication, and a long-term commitment to saving and investing. By following these steps and staying focused on your goals, you can achieve financial independence and retire early in Portugal.
* Todo o conteúdo presente neste blog serve apenas para fins informativos e educacionais, não representa qualquer tipo de aconselhamento financeiro.
terça-feira, 25 de abril de 2023
IRS relativo a 2022
Para onde vai o dinheiro dos meus impostos?
Rendimentos ao longo dos anos:
Progressão quase linear!!!
* Todo o conteúdo presente neste blog serve apenas para fins informativos e educacionais, não representa qualquer tipo de aconselhamento financeiro.
domingo, 23 de abril de 2023
Objectivos 2023 - Update do primeiro trimestre
Acabou o primeiro trismestre e um dos objectivos para 2023 está atingido.
Reparei também que cerca de 1/4 dos meus rendimentos não advém do meu trabalho!
* Todo o conteúdo presente neste blog serve apenas para fins informativos e educacionais, não representa qualquer tipo de aconselhamento financeiro.